Thursday, April 9, 2009

What’s New.....

January 27, 2008 - Sunday

Current mood: awake
I have been meaning to get my blog on ,it just seems that shit get's in the way you know and well frankly I forget or am to damn tierd to bother.So I decided that tonight would just be a catch up on thing's as of late.

A couple of week's ago my brother and I had to commit my mom for the third time in the past tweelve year's that may sound like ,not to bad when you consider it's been 13 years since I left home.Anyway she's out now and not taking her med's and still not the person whom I can have a reasonable conversation with at this time.Usually when this has happend before tremendous tsunamis follow like her split with reality is the earthquake,then losing her house or apartment or walking through some damn rough pasture land in Texas and breaking into someones's farm house in the middle of fuckin nowhere and having the cop's calling saying do you know a dale ------- ? uhh yeah ,why? this is travis with some damn police station ,your mom was found in a house and her truck with two dogs in it were found just outside of town with the windows rolled up.We need you to make arrangement's to come get her.Keep in mind this is texas and it was July..yeah no shit it was hot.So my baby brother and my now sister-n-law went and got mom.That was just a small sample of the first time we had to commit mom.She was abusing her then med's which were Duregesic patch's which are from the opium family kid's if you didnt already know.
This last time my mom took a walk in freezing ass cold weather naked down a very dark main street here in the city.An officer spotted her and she was taken to a crisis center where they let her go the next day because the officer diddnt want to fill out a report.WTF! her crazy ass diddnt need to go anywhere,and what the hell do my taxes pay for anyway,lazy mother fucker...So back to the intro of this saga., Me and my bro took her to norman and that was that .for a week then a judge said she wasnt at any risk to herself or anyone else.I guess that's a matter of opinon :-) isn't?
My daughter gave out our phone number to at three "alleged boys" on her myspace profile.I was so fuckin mad it was all I could do not to totally loose it on her, because we all know the implacation's of shit like that.Her father and I preach this shit everyday,we must be speaking chinese or something .Needless to say her ass is grounded from the computer for awhile,and I had our phone number changed and made it non published,those of you who know me in the real world if I havnt sent or called you with our new number send me an email and I get it to ya..Say la've I guess, with our kid's, technology is the shit they find themselves's getting in trouble with .When I was her age it was different that's all I'm gonna say about that I wasn't perfect either I just didn't get caught.Which seem's to be her down fall cause momma's been there done that and worse .She is a great kid ,I love her more than anything in this world,beside's her father and as he has said this to me ,after you count our daughter I love you more than anything in this world.She's the absoulute product of our true love ,damn that girl can really get my hair ruffled though...


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