Thursday, April 9, 2009


February 18, 2009 - Wednesday

Current mood: discontent

I received a call today which reminded me,back in June when my husband and I were almost killed in an accident by a drunk driver.We feel upon some hard times.When I say hard times I guess I might as well be saying I still am living hard times or through them ,but I mean really hard times without a car ,injured ,ya know scared, traumatized and at that point by the time I got to thinking about my utilities and stopped licking my wounds,and worrying about my car and what we were gonna do.Oh yeah utilities,bills ,responsibilities oh shit!So then ya know I turned to the utilities company's trying to make payment arrangements and negotiate with people only to find myself at the point where no one could help us .Finally when speaking to a rep at one of the utility company's I get turned onto this # 211 help line number.This is during a time that I'm waiting on a job,I finally get the job,then its like ok we got this much money for gas to make it through till my husbands payday I'll have to wait 3 weeks for my first paycheck and we dont have any food in the house.I have this 211# and I'm like what's this place gonna do for me ,we dont use the system we both work ,no one has helped us before why this be different now,but they did help we were able to get food and assistance with one of our utility bills.Today I get a call from this rep wanting to do a survey about my experience in 2008 with using the 211#,and at the end she asked if I would mind them qouting me.I at first was like NO! in my head then I thought hey why not they did help us it is a great service they even followed up on us about a week later after we called.I have infact reffered a few people at work to this # when I was told about a hard time they were going through and thought it would be benificial.Now I know some of my friends may read this and get upset at us for not having asked them for help when it was needed,we love you guys and you were there for us so please dont be upset with us.Which brings me to why I decided to blog today,I m stressed and I may not have a job after today or by sunday ,so when I got this call it reminded me of the time I was in need and without work now with my job dangling by a thread it just weirded me out.I work in a call center helping people troubleshoot with their sat tv,its not a glamorous job by any means,but its a job.My time on the phone is clocked each time by how long I help a customer , when the call is done how long I take to make a note on the account ,my attendance and adhearing to my schedule are a majority to what makes my over all handle time which is a # you have to be at goal with or you loose your job after a small period of time.I have a great boss an awesome schedule, but im still struggling to shed about 30 sec give or take off my handle time, my boss is in school and has been out the past few days which is a savings grace for me because until we have our weekily coaching on how im doing I still have a job.I started out with 30 something people in my class one of the bigger class' they had at the timeI had a great instructor,by the time we went to the floor during this limbo time they call transition the class was about half the original size for many different reasons,once we hit the floor we were put into different pods on sep teams within those pods and by that time two people from class were still there with me.The last time I checked 4 people including myself still work there that I went thru the begning with,only one of them I care for that monica .My current team is made up of different people some new some old ,some of which I have become very close to and hate the idea of not getting to see on a regular basis ,sounds stupid hunh,?Im 32 yrs old and I feel like Im in high school and were are possibly moving.Not only do I need my job I want my job which fucking sucks cause that;s not enough being a good empolyee isnt enough 30 sec will make or break me.My husband is worried but supports me ,always has,thank you for that honey,if Im fired there two other place's Ill imediatly go to but that not the point .The 211 made me realize I may have climed up on the ladder, but I may have to climb back down again soon.

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